I wish you happy, even if I'm not the reason anymore.
麥迪遜之橋 (The Bridges of Madison County), 1995

"Don't choose the better man, choose the man who makes you a better woman."
特務愛很大(This Means War), 2012

The sense of achievement is at its best when seeing those who doubted you get surprised.
永不妥協 (Erin Brockovich), 2000

學著愛自己;你越愛自己,就越不需要依賴別人。 Love yourself; the more you love yourself, the less you need to depend on others.
救救菜英文 (English Vinglish), 2012

Sometimes you pretend to be happy, just so others don't ask you why you are sad. 

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life."

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person.
愛・慕 (Amour), 2013

Tears often tell you what the mouth can't.
第六感生死戀 (Ghost), 1990

A real woman can do everything on her own; but a real man won't let her.
史密斯任務 (Mr. & Mrs. Smith), 2005 

When you're feeling down, look up. The sky is big enough to hold all of your sadness.
魔髮奇緣 (Tangled), 2010

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
王者之聲 (The King's Speech), 2011

『如果對喜歡的事情,沒有辦法放棄, 那就要更努力地,讓別人看到自己的存在。』
If you can't give up on what you love, you must work harder to let others understand.
逆光飛翔 (Touch of Light), 2012 

The hardest time in life isn't when no one understands you, but when you don't understand yourself.
雷神索爾2:黑暗世界 (Thor: The Dark World), 2013

The wise ones let go; the sincere ones sacrifice; the happy ones cherish.
姐姐的守護者 (My Sister's Keeper), 2009

We are tougher than we think; one day when you look back, you'll realize that you've walked a path you've never thought you would.
地心引力 (Gravity), 2013

If you can't get the answer you want, maybe you're just asking the wrong question.
星際大奇航 (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), 2005

I don't need a perfect relationship, I just need someone who won't give up on me.
派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook), 2012 

You can't have all you want, but you can give it all you've got.
阿甘正傳 (Forrest Gump), 1994

Only those who accept the worst of you deserve the best of you.
派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook), 2012 

Chasing other's goals will only take you to places you don't belong.
頂尖對決 (The Prestige), 2006

”Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.“
飢餓遊戲 (The Hunger Games), 2012

True friends don't talk about their friendship, nor do they ask for anything for it; they just do everything and anything they can for one another.
逆轉人生 (The Intouchables), 2011

Never doubt that you are more beautiful than you think.
穿著Prada的惡魔 (The Devil Wears Prada), 2006 

The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.
活個痛快 (50/50), 2011

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have.
P.S.我愛你 (P.S. I Love You), 2007 

Once you know which is the right path, how long it takes to get there doesn't quite matter.
怪獸大學 (Monsters University), 2013

Sometimes we put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.
派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook), 2012

Life and self are not used to overcome but to get along.
少年Pi的奇幻漂流 (Life of Pi), 2012 

What makes true love so special, is that it always leaves behind unforgettable traces.
天外奇蹟 (Up), 2009 

Walk a different path, and you will see a different sight.
哈比人:意外旅程 (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey), 2012 


Don't let yourself be controlled by three things: money, people, or your past.
全面啓動 (Inception), 2010

Some lies are just too beautiful to be revealed.
紅磨坊 (Mouline Rouge), 2001

Life is your own journey; don't live to be someone else.
天才雷普利 (Talented Mr. Ripley), 1999

We all want the truth to stand on our side, but we rarely try to stand on side of the truth.
重案對決 (Law Abiding Citizen), 2009

We may not walk together to the end, but I still cherish every step we took together along the way.
玩具總動員3 (Toy Story 3), 2010 

The most precious comfort in life is having someone fighting for you, and having someone worth fighting for.
鋼鐵擂台 (Real Steel), 2011

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.
三個傻瓜 (3 Idiots), 2009 

If you work when others work, rest when others rest, play when others play, then you'll get what others get. If you want more, do more.
當幸福來敲門 (The Pursuit of Happyness), 2006 

"Some people can't see when they have a good thing in front of them."
不勞而禍 (Pain & Gain), 2013

A lot of suffering came from going after those that don't' belong to us.
雷神索爾 (Thor), 2011 

You can't force a person to show you respect, but you can refuse to be disrespected.
鐵娘子:堅固柔情 (The Iron Lady), 2012 

When you are in despair, you have the potential to be pleasantly surprised.
沒問題先生 (Yes Man), 2008 

There are two mistakes in life: trying to live for others to watch, and to watch how others live.
愛情決勝點 (Match Point), 2005

The truth is that the world doesn't meet everyone's expectations; only that some choose to forget, and some choose to hold on.
風起 (Kaze tachinu), 2013

Life never mistreats anyone; if you see a shadow, there must be sunshine nearby.
壁花男孩 (The Perks of Being a Wallflower), 2012 

God answers your prayers in 3 ways: He nods and gives you what you wanted; He shakes His head and gives you something better; He keeps you waiting, so you can have the best you deserve.
王牌天神2 (Evan Almighty), 2007

Waiting is painful. Letting go is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.
時空旅人之妻 (The Time Traveler's Wife), 2009 

Good relationships don't just happen; they take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together.
愛情藥不藥 (Love and Other Drugs), 2010 

Some people you can grow with, some people you can live with. But there are those, who you can only be with, in your memory.
鐵達尼號 (Titanic), 1997 

My dilemma, is worrying that you would know, yet wanting you to see.
借物少女艾莉緹 (The Secret World of Arrietty), 2010 

“I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
無敵破壞王 (Wreck-It Ralph), 2012 

Every present that you regret now is a result of a past you failed to give your best.
我愛上流 (Fun with Dick and Jane), 2005 

If you don't know anything, stop pretending you know everything.
破處女王 (Easy A), 2010 

Running away from the problem only increases the distance from the solution.
克里斯汀貝爾之黑暗時刻 (The Machinist), 2004 

The key to communication is listening to what's not being said.
男人百分百 (What Women Want), 2000 

There's only one reason for making the same mistake twice: the first time didn't hurt bad enough.
機密真相 (Flight), 2012 

There are two things you can do about the past: run from it, or learn from it.
獅子王 (The Lion King), 1994 

People change. Some are changed by how they live; some change how they live.
穿著Prada的惡魔 (The Devil Wears Prada), 2006 

Happiness exists in your heart, not in others' eyes.
美女與野獸 (Beauty and the Beast), 1991 

Life itself is a road which you meet people along the way; some walk with you for a distance, some walk with you to the end.
大智若魚 (Big Fish), 2003

A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third.
神隱少女 (Spirited Away), 2001 

The toughest tests in life don't happen during the toughest times, but after.
決勝機密 (Paranoia), 2013

When you get used to being indifferent, you'll forget how to love.
瘋狂理髮師 (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street), 2007 

Love is not about never fighting, it's about staying together after all the fighting.
史密斯任務 (Mr. & Mrs. Smith), 2005 

A head full of knowledge cannot compare to a heart full of love.
他不笨,他是我爸爸 (i am sam), 2001

Love is meant to be a test for the both of you, not a test on each other.
絕配冤家 (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days), 2003 

Loving the wrong person is like buying a pair of shoes that doesn't fit; wearing them hurts your feet, dumping them hurts your heart.
航站情緣 (The Terminal), 2004

"The ones who are hardest to love are usually the ones who need it the most."
深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底 (Peaceful Warrior), 2006 

Fate is not chance, but choice; you can't wait on fate, you have to fight for it.
命運規劃局 (The Adjustment Bureau), 2011

“We can’t choose where we come from but we can choose where we go from there.”
壁花男孩 (The Perks of Being a Wallflower), 2012 

Sometimes, it's the little things that tell you who some people really are.
魔髮奇緣 (Tangled), 2010

Sometimes what you can do with your family is more important than what you can do for them.
全家就是米家 (We're the Millers), 2013

"Thank you for accepting me for who I am, and not for what you wanted me to be."
愛.重來 (The Vow), 2012

"It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live." -Dumbledore
哈利波特:神秘的魔法石 (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone), 2001 

Empathy, is to see with the eyes of another, to listen with the ears of another, and to feel with the heart of another.
姐妹 (The Help), 2011

What's worse than losing someone you love, is losing yourself when you love someone too much.
喜福會 (The Joy Luck Club), 1993 

Life is a grand performance; if you want an ovation, get on the stage first.
楚門的世界 (The Truman Show), 1998 

Listening is the simplest way of caring.
攻其不備 (The Blind Side), 2009 

Some things you won't understand until you try; some things you won't understand until you fail; some things you won't understand until you grow up.
超人:鋼鐵英雄 (Man of Steel), 2013

In the game of life, it's not how good the cards are in your hands, it's how well you play them.
決勝21點 (21), 2008 

Not all scars are obvious. Walk gently in the lives of others.
讓愛傳出去 (Pay It Forward), 2000 

A smile doesn't always show that you're happy; sometimes, it shows that you are strong.
征服情海 (Jerry McGuire), 1996

If you don't set out on your journey, you'd never know what's ahead.
哈比人:荒谷惡龍 (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug), 2013

Don't wait until I cry before you understand my sorrow; don't wait until I vanish before you notice my existence.
王牌冤家 (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), 2004 

True friends don't have to be there from the beginning, nor do they have to know you for the longest time; they just came, and never left.
麻吉伴郎 (I Love You Man), 2009

The one who likes you wants your present; the one who loves you, offers you a future.
真愛每一天 (About Time), 2013

Don't judge someone by what you see; for what you see may be what they wanted you to see.
出神入化 (Now You See Me), 2013

Sometimes we need to put down our pride and admit our mistakes; this is not giving in, but growing up.
型男飛行日誌 (Up in the Air), 2009 

Some things you never forget; you just can't remember them sometimes.
我的失憶女友 (50 First Dates), 2004

有時候,和你爭執、反對你的人,並不是你真正的敵人。 Sometimes, those opposing or arguing with you are not your real enemies.
寒戰 (Cold War), 2012

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
蹺課天才 (Ferris Bueller's Day Off), 1986 

Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional; it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
戰地琴人 (The Pianist), 2002 

Love isn't compromise, but compromise can be a special kind of love.
我的野蠻女友 (My Sassy Girl), 2001

Our biggest enemy is always the weakness within ourselves.
購物狂的異想世界 (Confessions of a Shopaholic), 2009


Love is when you don't have to be together to touch their heart.
-西雅圖夜未眠 (Sleepless in Seattle), 1993

Your fate is like your palmprints; full of twists and turns, but always within your grasp.
命運規劃局 (The Adjustment Bureau), 2011

If you ask God for help, it means you trust Him; if God doesn't answer, it means he trusts you.
王牌天神 (Bruce Almighty), 2003 

It's sad for many to find out, that the most unfamiliar person of all, is the self whom they've spent the longest time with.
心的方向 (About Schmidt), 2002

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

若有人說“你變了”,只是代表你不再按照他們的想法過自己的生活罷了When someone says "you've changed", it simply means you stopped living your life their way. 
破處女王 (Easy A), 2010 

Of all conflicts that happen, only 10% is due to a difference in opinion, and 90% to a wrong tone of voice.
派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook), 2012

Scar is the proof of a healed wound.
貧民百萬富翁 (Slumdog Millionaire), 2008 

Be thankful for the hard times, for they have made you.
鐵面人 (The Man In the Iron Mask), 1998

『Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.』-Albus Dumbledore
哈利波特:鳳凰會的密令(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), 2007 

Many moments are only cherished when they've become memories.
命運好好玩 (Click), 2006 

Don't think of the things you couldn't get asking; think of the things you got without having to ask.
-扭轉奇蹟 (Family Man), 2000 

Holding on makes us strong; letting go makes us stronger.
-繼承人生 (The Descendants), 2011

最令人難受的話是:「我愛你,但是…」;最甜蜜的話是:「… 但是,我愛你。」。
The bitterest words are, "I love you, but…"; the sweetest words are, "…but, I love you".
-傲慢與偏見 (Pride and Prejudice), 2005

You feel happy when you see the one you love dearly is happy.
-新娘大作戰 (Bride Wars), 2009

We fall, so we can learn how to pick ourselves up.
-蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 (Batman Begins), 2005

Somethings we couldn't understand when we were young; when we finally understood, we are not young anymore.
-女朋友男朋友 (GF*BF), 2012

I don't need a perfect relationship, I just need someone who won't give up on me.
-派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook), 2012

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
-悲慘世界 (Les Miserables), 2012

Love isn't about changing each other; it's about growing together.
-派特的幸福劇本 (Silver Linings Playbook), 2012

The soul breathes through our tears and laughters; even the most pessimistic smiles, and the strongest cries.
-活個痛快 (50/50), 2011

You are who you are when no one else is watching.
-深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底 (Peaceful Warrior), 2006

Life is a multiple-choice question; often what confuses you is not the question, but the options available.
-貧民百萬富翁 (Slumdog Millionaire), 2008


Sometimes the most radical move, is to just be yourself.
-實習大叔 (The Internship), 2013

做你熱愛的事,雖然不代表著就能過得輕鬆, 但絕對可以活得精彩。
Doing what you love doesn't mean it's an easier life, but it's definitely a more exciting one.

Every present that you regret now is a result of a past you failed to give your best.
-我愛上流 (Fun with Dick and Jane), 2005

Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie.
-楚門的世界 (The Truman Show), 1998


There are two things you can do about the past: run from it, or learn from it.
-獅子王 (The Lion King), 1994


Use your smile to change the world; don't let the world change your smile.
-穿著Prada的惡魔 (The Devil Wears Prada), 2006


The longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when you get it, because anything worth having is definitely worth waiting for.
-航站情緣 (The Terminal), 2004


Just because someone is telling you what you didn't want to hear, doesn't mean you shouldn't believe them.
-記憶拼圖 (Memento), 2000


It's not the future that you are afraid of. It's repeating the past that makes you anxious.
-啟動原始碼 (The Source Code), 2009


Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. -Einstein


In life you'll realize that there is a purpose for every person you meet. Some are there to test you, some will use you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you.
-哈利波特:鳳凰會的密令 (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), 2007


Jealousy comes from counting others' blessings instead of our own.
-天才雷普利 (Talented Mr. Ripley), 1999


We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
-王牌冤家 (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), 2004

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