How do you keep the music playing? 你要如何讓音樂一直演奏
How do you make it last? 你要如何讓它持續下去
How do you keep the song from fading
Too fast? 你要如何讓這首曲子不要消逝的太快
How do you lose yourself to someone 你如何在深愛一個人的時候
And never lose your way? 也不會迷失自我?
How do you not run out of new things to say? 你們如何能不會無話可說
And since you know we're always changing 你知道我們總是在改變
How can it be the same? 如何能讓愛持續不變
And tell me how year after year 並請告訴我在多年以後
You're sure your heart won't fall apart each time you hear his name?
I know the way I feel for you is now or never 我知道我對你的感覺就在此刻也將不會再有
The more I love, the more that I'm afraid 當我愛得愈多就愈加害怕
That in your eyes I may not see forever, forever 在你眼中我看不到永久的未來
If we can be the best of lovers 但如果我們可以是最佳情侶
Yet be the best of friends 如同最好的朋友
If we can try with every day to make it better as it grows 如果我們可以試著讓愛與日俱增
With any luck than I suppose 但願這樣
The music never ends

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